MalVuMalDit 1, digital video 4:3, colour, sound, 1:50 min., 2014.
MalVuMalDit 2, digital video 4:3, colour, sound, 1:11 min., 2015.
MalVuMalDit 3, digital video 4:3, colour, silent, 1:43 min., 2015.

MalVuMalDit 3, digital video 4:3, colour, silent, 1:43 min., 2015.

MalVuMalDit is an ongoing series of very short videos, exploring the relationship between seen (mal vu, ill seen) and understood (mal dit, ill said). Ambiguity of form and context is employed and then deconstructed using the same image or set.
This editing technique draws from early cinematic forms such as the magic lantern or the shadow show, where a sequence of two images induces narrative and/or movement.

MalvuMalDit 2 was screened at Staunton International Film Festival in Virginia USA, in September 2016 and presented in the exhibition “Odyssée” at the Villa Arson in Nice, June-September 2015. 


MalVuMalDit est une série de vidéos très courtes (env. 1 min.) qui développent la relation entre vu et perçu (dit); la reconnaissance d’un objet où mouvement en tant que tel est dupée par le dispositif d’enregistrement et rendue visible ensuite par le montage.